So, this
day’s post is entirely a happy one. The most happiest one I will probably ever
write. Because it is about adventure, friendship, stuff I love and stuff that
You don’t
know what it is? Well, that’s a pity. Google it. Seriously, go to Google now
and search. I was at HobbitCon last year and I got infected. I got infected
with con fever. HobbitCon is my adventure. I’m going on an adventure.
Literally. Like Bilbo Baggins I’m going on an adventure. True, I have more time
to plan, I won’t forget my handkerchiefs. Really, they are already packed.
Well, not really. I have the stuff I’m taking all mounted in the corner. My
suitcase is airing out in the moment. But anyway. I love middle-earth. I truly
love it. I would jump on the chance to live in middle-earth immediately. I can’t
imagine a place I would rather live. (Though the Tardis is a really close
second.) Going to the convention and seeing all those other weird, wonderful
people who share my love is just marvelous! I feel accepted there because we
all are odd. We all are fangirls and fanboys. It’s like coming home of a sort
but not really because it’s all new and exciting.
And this
year there is another form of new and exciting, as well! I’m going to meet two
precious friends of mine for the first time in person! We know each other
really well from chatting via the World Wide Web and texting, but this is the
first time I can hug them. I’m so looking forward to see my two sweethearts and
have a heartfelt chat about… well, everything. I’m sure we will never be out of
topics to talk about. And if we are, who cares? I like a comfortable silence as
much as the next person. I’m so thrilled to have the chance to meet Tami and
Nadja. Those two are some of my most beloved. I found them in the Hunger Games
forum I wrote about. And ever since they have been great friends to me. They
listen to me ranting about silly things and petty problems. They cheer me up
when I’m feeling blue. They laugh with me about silly, stupid things and they
cry with me about Doomsday. Everybody who says that friends in the internet
aren’t real friends can go and dig themselves a hole. I love those two to bits
and pieces and I’m not sure they will survive me hugging the living daylight
out of them when I finally meet them.
I will also
catch up with a friend I met last year at HobbitCon and her friends (who I don’t
know, yet). I’ve been in contact with Gabi ever since I came home last year.
Imagine that. A whole year we exchanged mails, remembering the great time we
had at the con and looking forward to this year’s HobbitCon. It’s really
amazing. I consider myself a nerd. There are enough people who say that nerds
are socially awkward and really unsocial. (Though nerds have a much better
reputation since The Big Bang Theory) And, come on, it’s true. But only in the “normal”
world. Give us a shared obsession and a convention about it and we socialize
way past what “normal” people can tolerate. I mean, I’m the living prove. I’m
so damn awkward around people it’s painful. But now, HobbitCon. Last year I met
people I’m still in contact with and now I’m meeting other people with the same
obsession. There come live-long friendships from conventions. I even heard of
marriages that came from a meeting at a convention. And that’s the fantastic
thing about it! Conventions are magical! There is real life magic floating
around in the form of excitement and friendship and shared love. And we all
love middle-earth. That’s the common ground. We are all different in age, job,
living arrangements; but in the end the love for middle-earth unites us all. A
convention is a wibbly-wobbly, cozy-wozy ball of love. And yes, I just shamelessly
nicked a quote from the Doctor. (Tami, that is what you did to me with
convincing me to start with Doctor Who!) At HobbitCon there will be people in
costumes and without costumes and so much to see that you would need two weeks
more to observe everything. And those costume, God! I could gaze adoringly at
those the entire weekend. Everybody just puts so much effort in their costumes.
I did, too. I want to look my best. And I’m still amazed that everything worked
out so well… I really had no idea what I was doing but it looks like a dress
now. I’m even participating in the Costume Contest with my Dwarven Lady
Costume. I think it’s not necessary to point out that I’m already dying from
being nervous, is it? But hey, it’s a great adventure, isn’t it? You have to
take risks when going on an adventure. And I’m so ready for this adventure!
So, yeah.
This is the last post before HobbitCon. I will write about what happened when I’m
home again. Maybe even with photos, who knows?
Cheers and
the best wishes!
LOVE! You almost made me cry here!
AntwortenLöschenIn a few hours Nadja and I will also be on our way to HobbitCon and I'm not sure if I'm crying or throwing up before. Whatever, we'll survive it.
Awww, sweetie! It's been such a good time in Bonn! And I love you so much! I'm so happy!