Freitag, 20. März 2015

Sherlock Holmes vs. Doctor Watson

I know, I promised that I would post something happy next. I actually tried to find a funny picture and build a post around it. But then, there are so many hilarious pictures out there on the internet that I would’ve had a hard time deciding. And then, my brain is fixated on jobs and education and applications these days. I’ve hardly done anything else in the last two or three weeks. So I decided that today’s post would be about work. And not my petty problems at work, no. No, I mean jobs in general.
I found this little gem and thought I would share it

I was quite impressed that those are the thoughts of a ten-year-old, if I’m honest. But then I started thinking. It’s true, no adult really thinks about stuff like that. We were all asked during school what we want to become when we’re grown up. My answers varied from ballerina over teacher to ‘Heck-I-don’t-know’. The last one is the most recent one. When I was finishing school I literally didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. Just to imagine choosing one profession and staying with it my entire work life gave me the creeps. So in the end I settled for studying. I chose languages because I could at least see myself interpreting texts for some years before I didn’t want to do it anymore. Well, it turned out that wasn’t my way. Long story short, I realized that I didn’t have to love the job I’m doing and obsess about it. We all are asked what we love to do and are taught that this is exactly what we should choose as a job for us; but… I can’t do that. I simply can’t. Because I get bored. And I get bored very easily. If I found a job today and thought it fantastic it’s entirely possible that a month from now I would dread going to work because I found it so boring.
So, when I saw the picture above I started thinking (I know, I do that a lot…). It’s crystal clear that I’m no Sherlock. There is nothing I can do really well. I’m adequate at a lot of things, but exceptional? No. I also know that it is my own fault. I’ve never put any more effort into something than was absolutely necessary. I never had to. I learn new things quite easily and most of the times a general understanding is enough. I never did any more maths problems than I really had to. I never read another chapter for more understanding. I’m a fast learner and therefore never learned to really study something. So, I have a wide range of mediocre talents but nothing that stands out. Clearly no Sherlock, right?
So, if I’m not a Sherlock, then I must be a Watson.
But somehow I have a problem with that conclusion. I’m too selfish to be a Watson. I don’t want to be the supporting character of someone else’s story, no matter how important supporting characters are. I work for myself and I want to be recognized for what I’m doing. And then there is always the problem that I’m probably cleverer than most of my future employers. I hate stupid people. It doesn’t bother me if people are not that intelligent. But there are also stupid people. For me there is a difference between not intelligent and stupid. And I can’t stand stupidity. People can’t help if they are intelligent or not, it’s genetic. But they can do something against their stupidity. Most people don’t do that, though. I can see, why. It’s easier to be stupid in our society. Because most people are. And chances are I will end up working for someone stupid. (I know that I must sound terribly snooty right now… I’m sorry)
 So, the actual question is: do I want to be the Watson to some stupid person? Or should I dedicate myself to something so that I become a Sherlock? Is it possible to change from a Watson to a Sherlock?
I would love to be a Watson if I just found my Sherlock. My Sherlock would be a smart person I can admire. Someone I can respect and not want to slap senseless every time he or she opens their mouth. The longer I think about it the clearer becomes my ache to find my Sherlock. I’m only twenty-three right now, but I have the feeling that I should (and want) to start my career soon. It’s difficult to imagine a future if it depends on someone. On someone I don’t even know. Somehow I wish I had never found that picture, had never read it. Things just get complicated once you’ve started thinking about them. Sometimes I wish I could just stop thinking for a while. But now that the shit hit the fan (please excuse my language), I have to go with it. I defined myself as a Watson and now I’m dedicating my time to finding my Sherlock. I know he must be out there.

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